Have you ever been scared, uneasy or seen something in the corner of your eye that you can't explain?

Well, in theory many of us have, but have chosen either to ignore it and put it to the back of your mind, or taken up the challenge to explore it further.

This book gives tales of ghostly beings from the public around the counties of Bridgend and the Vale of Glamorgan and is a must read fir chilling happenings around these areas

I have been fascinated with all things paranormal for the majority of my life, as my mother would often state that she could see dead relatives in baffling ways.  My interest probably stems back to tales of my maternal ancestors who were well known throughout Pencoed, Llanharan and Brynna in South Wales for their spooky experiences and predictions.  In fact, the first know person gifted with this unusual talent was my distant Auntie Megan, who was a white witch who made herbal remedies to cure sick animals

Graveyards are known to stretch out a creepy atmosphere as apparitions have been witnessed on many occasions. It is a natural assumption that the dead return to haunt graveyards and return to the place where their body lies.  But in my opinion, why would they want to remain there?  Maybe the spirits we see in these eerie places are not able to reach their normal place in a world beyond our grasp.

This could be because they have committed gruesome crimes during their time on earth and are not welcome in paradise.  Some may have suffered a harrowing death and are traumatised to the point of unrest.  These spirits may even be unable to find their new world towards the light and may need a helping hand as they are trapped.  Spiritualist Mediums are known to successfully performed prayers to help these forlorn spirits find the light and rest in peace.


This book is a chilling account of history, ghost stories and paranormal investigations to captivate the imagination 


The author Hayley Williams was born in Bridgend Hospital to Allan and Gaynor Shaw and was brought up with her brother Christopher in Porthcawl.  As siblings they had a normal happy childhood, until her health took a dramatic turn for the worst.  She spent many years in and out of GP surgeries and hospitals with symptoms including violent headaches which would make her spin around in circles, balance issues, and slurred speech.  The frantic worry prompted her mother to take her to see a local optician who discovered that a large brain turmour was present. 




This book is a chilling account of history, ghost stories and paranormal investigations to captivate the imagination.   It also introduces forefathers who took on the challenge of building the unique structures in the town.  I chose to investigate the unusual occurrences on my own doorstep in Porthcawl, which has quite a reputation for its eerie tales around the towns and villages which are accompanied by fascinating tales and legends as well as a colourful history.  I obtained information from record offices and also interviewed neighbouring residents who described the living conditions of days gone by to include in this book

Topics / Genre:

History, ancestral, chilling, ghost, paranormal, unworldly, mysterious, non-fiction. A thrilling account of the history, unusual phenomena and paranormal investigations around the pubs and hotels around the seaside town of Porthcawl.  I also include lost Inns, hotels and an enchanting lane.

I have been fascinated with all things paranormal for the majority of my life, as my mother would often state that she could see dead relatives in baffling ways.  My interest probably stems back to tales of my maternal ancestors who were well known throughout Pencoed, Llanharan and Brynna in South Wales for their spooky experiences and predictions



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